Thursday, July 19, 2012

China Bans Shark Fin Soup At State Banquets???

Is it really true that China is going to stop serving shark fin soup at high-class functions?
According to an article I read recently, China is trying to ban the serving of shark fin soup at state banquets. Considering I've been trying to find ways that I could help stop serving it all together, this is exciting. I've been trying to do some research to see if Disney really does serve it at some of their restaurants. They serve it at their Chinese resorts and restaurants, but do they serve it here in America? Just one of my many questions for my next shark fin soup post. The link below is to the article that I read. Take a look and see what you think. If you have any comments, thoughts, or even questions just post them in the comment box. Thanks for reading :) 

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