Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Marine Life Update!

The other night after checking my email, I was reading a news story on dolphins. Yes, this blog is about sharks, but that's because they're my favorite of the marine life. It doesn't mean that I don't care about other marine life. Anyway, I was reading this news story and it made me really sad. The story was about a huge die-off of dolphins in the recent years. I read that so far this year 3,000 dolphins have been found washed up on the beaches of Peru. :( This is very sad news to me. In this article they were saying that biologists and other scientists are unsure as to why there is a die-off and what is causing it. The die-off last year in the Gulf of Mexico was caused by an oil spill, but why it has continued and spread is what they are set out to find. As i was reading this, I thought about how different people would respond. I would guess most people are "too busy" to care. Well, not me. I hope that reading this will make you realize that we are the reason... Pollution we cause is the reason... But we can also be the change. Less pollution of our world means better life for everyone and everything!
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything recently. But I promise I'm back and so is the blog!

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